Topband: BOG - Selecting the Optimum Length
Kip Edwards
kedwards at
Mon Oct 17 12:29:13 EDT 2016
The BOG here is 190 feet. It works very well and is quite directional. As a result of my experience so far, I'm thinking of a second one for the other directions.
73 Kip W6SZN
-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mark K3MSB
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 8:35 AM
To: Lloyd - N9LB
Cc: topBand List
Subject: Re: Topband: BOG - Selecting the Optimum Length
Based upon N9LB’s comments, I just emailed Bruce and told him to hold my order for a KB-1.
I have just enough room for 200 ft for a BOG. Extending it to 250, 290
feet etc is NOT an option for me.
>From my reading, I understood that 200 feet was not exact, but I didn’t
expect it to be 250 to 290 feet. If I had known that I would not have
even considered a BOG.
With the cable, KB-1 etc (my BOG will be unidirectional to EU only, not bidirectional), I really don’t want to invest close to $200 on an antenna
that will not do any better on RX than my Inverted-L. Saving it for a
Hi-Z 3 may be the better option.
So, with only 200 feet to play with, is it worth it?
I've no doubt BOGs work, I may not have the room for them.
73 Mark K3MSB
On Oct 17, 2016 9:35 AM, "Lloyd - N9LB" <lloydberg at> wrote:
> I have been asked how I arrived at the 290 foot BOG length.
> My original 200 foot BOG had a good F/B on 80m but showed almost no
> directivity on 160m, so this indicated to me that the BOG needed to be
> longer to improve the 160m performance with my particular soil
> conditions and environment.
> A search on the Internet produced recommendations for 160m BOG lengths
> of
> 247 to 290 feet. Knowing that I could always shorten the wire, I went
> with the longer number as a starting point. That produced a greatly
> improved 15 to 20 dB Front-to-Back ratio.
> The 290 foot length was not chosen for a good match, but that length
> just happened to result in a good match.
> Unfortunately, I did not measure the match on my 200 ft BOG before it
> was dismantled.
> The optimum 160m BOG length in your environment might be much
> different from what I found at my QTH.
> - - - I think the group would benefit from hearing what others have
> found to be their optimum BOG lengths - - -
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of
> Lloyd - N9LB
> Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2016 11:06 PM
> To: 'Topband' <topband at>
> Subject: Re: Topband: BOG
> My Reversible Bog uses the KD9SV transformer set. It was originally
> 200 feet long, just increased to 290 feet and that made a very
> significant improvement on 160m front-to-back ratio, but hurt 80m performance.
> Conditions here are:
> Wire run across a weedy field, as close to ground as possible (weeds
> trampled down to allow the wire to be close to ground - mostly 2-4
> inches above the actual ground). Soil is a few inches of decent dirt,
> about one to two feet of clay, about one to two feet of sand, and then
> bedrock. Tops of the five foot ground rods can't be driven completely
> below the ground's surface.
> WX - a wetter than normal Summer and Fall here in Southern Wisconsin.
> My Antenna Analyzer shows a 1.45 : 1 match at 1825 KHz ( 75 ohm system ).
> I can send the analyzer plots to anyone that is interested.
> 73
> Lloyd - N9LB
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of
> Charles Moizeau
> Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2016 10:20 PM
> To: Lloyd - N9LB <lloydberg at>; Topband
> <topband at>
> Subject: Re: Topband: BOG
> Thanks Lloyd,
> But pls tell us your wire height and approximate description of gnd
> condx for your otherwise well-described bog.
> 73,
> Charles W2SH
> ________________________________
> From: Topband <topband-bounces at> on behalf of Lloyd -
> N9LB <lloydberg at>
> Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2016 7:15 PM
> To: topband at
> Subject: Re: Topband: BOG
> Hello Tony!
> Ground conditions and wire height above ground make a huge difference
> in best length.
> I found the optimum for my BOG, using WD-1A wire and operating at 1825
> KHz, at my QTH is 290 feet.
> 73
> Lloyd - N9LB
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of
> N2TK, Tony
> Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2016 5:15 PM
> To: topband at
> Subject: Topband: BOG
> Stretched out 200' of WD-1A along a stone wall. Kept it about 2" above
> the ground and right up against the stones. Fed it with a 300 ohm
> secondary transformer and left the far end unterminated.
> Used the MFJ-259 to sweep the bands starting at 1.67 MHZ. Saw on K1FZ
> notes that to find the best single wire length for 160M is to sweep
> the bands and check where the SWR goes to a low value and stays there.
> I couldn't find that frequency. I get dips at
> 2.58 MHZ 4.3:1
> 3.36 MHZ 1.5:1
> 4.39 MHZ 1.4:1
> 6.033 MHZ 1.3:1
> 9.807 MHZ 1.2:1
> I didn't check any higher in freq. I only care about listening on 160M
> with it.
> I twisted both wires together at the feedpoint.
> Want to check it out first as a single ended BOG to see how it works
> before I go to the trouble of making it a two direction BOG.
> At one point the BOG is only 35' from my tower.
> Is it too high and does it need to be against the ground?
> Any feedback appreciated.
> N2TK, Tony
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