Topband: Ethernet control switching of HI-Z 4-8 Pro System

Andrey Fedorishchev ra6lbs at
Mon Sep 12 15:47:36 EDT 2016

Hi Larry,

We use here our piece of software:

Which is obviously replicates our 8 direction harware controller LBC-8:

And designed to control IP switch:

being a true Ethernet IP interface, it does allow to control remotely
(bypassing hardware controller):

- ANY receive relay switch AND array controller you can think of;
- switch manually or in auto 3 band pass filters;
- switch 2 preamps;
- select among 3 different receive antenna systems  if your are lucky to
have them;
- custom AZ map of course (or any lovely image as BMP file;

Most of Remote installations is different, custom designed, but this
software, controller and IP device is almost unlimited in features.

2016-09-12 19:59 GMT+03:00 Larry - K1UO <k1uo at>:

> Is anyone on here controlling their HI-Z 4-8 Pro (or similar) remotely over
> an Ethernet or VPN connection?  If so, what equipment are you utilizing to
> do this?  I am trying to eliminate controlling remotely via a USB
> connection
> at the remote location PC using Teamviewer.
> Thanks for any suggestions
> Larry  K1UO
> _________________
> Topband Reflector Archives -

Andrey Fedorishchev,

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