Topband: Ethernet control switching of HI-Z 4-8 Pro System

Sam Harner wt3q at
Mon Sep 12 18:08:47 EDT 2016

am I the only one getting doubles of every message ??? sorry for the silly
question but no one else has mentioned it     Sam

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Herbert
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 5:01 PM
To: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: Ethernet control switching of HI-Z 4-8 Pro System

You might consider an IP-Power unit. The provide both LAN and WAN control.
Each output can be selected and provides 120 VAC to outputs via standard AC
socket.  I convert this at the socked with a DC wall wart and us it to
switch Beverages remotely with a simple on screen selection box.  The item
switched can be labeled accordingly. The units sell on eBay for about $120
and comes with software and tools to install.  The other alternative is
Remote Rig box and IP Switch, but this is a lot more money.

On 9/12/2016 12:59 PM, Larry - K1UO wrote:
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> Is anyone on here controlling their HI-Z 4-8 Pro (or similar) remotely 
> over an Ethernet or VPN connection?  If so, what equipment are you 
> utilizing to do this?  I am trying to eliminate controlling remotely 
> via a USB connection at the remote location PC using Teamviewer.
> Thanks for any suggestions
> Larry  K1UO
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