Topband: Common mode choke 160m inverted L

ON4GPE on4gpe at
Sat Dec 23 13:27:41 EST 2017

Hi All,

I would like to build a good high power common mode choke for 160m.
I have a piece of RG393/U ptfe 10mm coax. (1 meter)
I was thinking of using this and make me a "W2DU style" choke.
Searching for the ferrite cable cores, i found on the Mouser website 2 
types which would fit:

Fair-rite 31 material :
Laird  LF material :

Laird got a higher impedance at 1.8 Mhz.

I think a lot of ham's on this topband reflector got more experience, so 
what's your advice ?

Thanks, Gert  ON4GPE

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