Topband: KL7/VE7ACN

Greg Zenger n2gz at
Tue Mar 14 11:42:40 EDT 2017

Congrats Joe!  I know how you feel.  KL7/VE7ACN was also my 50th for 160m
WAS. I worked him the same morning as you did.  I've been chasing KL7 on
top band for quite some time now feels good to have it in the log.
It was also number 95 worked for my DXCC.  Worked two more last night so
only 3 to go.
Im up against a bit of a deadline, as I'm in the process of tearing my
station apart to move to a new location. Its great to have 160WAS
completed, 160DXCC would be amazing.  Needless to say, the 80m and 160m
antennas will be the last to come down.

Good luck to the others who are still chasing.

Greg N2GZ

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 11:30 AM, Tim Childers K9CQ <k9cq at> wrote:

> I worked the same station myself at 05:34Z and he was very strong here in
> central Illinois at that point.  He is actually an IOTA activator.  His
> contact in AK are from NA-041 Coffman Cove, Prince of Wales Is.
> Congrats on the 160 WAS Joe!  I just got one of the Hawaii stations to
> confirm for 160  on LOTW to get my last one confirmed there. I have worked
> them all before over the last 30 years but getting them all to do it
> through LOTW is another matter.
> 73,
> Tim, K9CQ
> -----Original Message----- From: Joe Galicic
> Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 6:21 PM
> To: TopBand List
> Subject: Topband: KL7/VE7ACN
> Had fun working KL7/VE7ACN before heading out to work this morning at
> 0845Z. He was very strong here in MD.  I was surprised. Very easy to work.
> This completes my 160 meter WAS !  Finally :)  Joe - N3HEE
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