Topband: Out-door antenna tuning boxes

Mike Waters mikewate at
Fri May 12 19:19:50 EDT 2017

For real mil-spec ruggedness, you can't beat one of the newer military
surplus composite plastic(?) gasketed ammo boxes. They are waterproof, and
the one I have looks like you can drive a small car over it.

Mine came from Hunt's Hardware in nearby Miller, MO. But that was a few
years ago, and I doubt that they have any more that weren't made for the
military. Maybe you can find one online.

The non-mil-spec ammo box that housed my tuner at the base of my inverted-L
I got from that same store. Photos at  Maybe your local hardware has one.
But it's not rugged enough to drive a car over. :-)

73, Mike

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