Topband: Top Band and JT65

Brian Pease bpease2 at
Mon May 15 20:41:50 EDT 2017

10 Watts is considered high power on the digital modes.  Is using 1000 
Watts on 160m (+20dB) and 250Hz receive filters (+10dB) on both ends of 
a CW QSO more challenging than 10W on JT65 on the same link?  Perhaps not.

On 5/15/2017 7:44 PM, Jim Murray via Topband wrote:
>      I hate to weigh in on this since it's been beaten to death already but just another opinion.  Over the years I've tried several digital modes starting with psk31.  There weren't many  signals on the band at that time but now I see there are many.  Not to long ago I ventured into JT65 and JT9.  Quite a learning curve for an Ol'timer.  I considered all the digital operation as something new to learn for a change and enjoyed the learning part.  Once I got everything running properly I would begin to loose interest.  To me, just not the challenge of dxing mostly cw and ssb.  Seems the biggest skill comes from the people who write the software like Joe Taylor or Peter Martinez.  From that point you just click the mouse or type on the keyboard.  Very impersonal at times using F key exchanges etc..  But, that's just ones opinion.  Whatever floats your boat.
> Jimk2hn
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