Topband: Change in 160m conditions

Roger Kennedy roger at
Wed Nov 8 15:01:24 EST 2017

It seems to me that DX conditions have been pretty poor for the past 10
years on 160m . . .

But apart from generally being poor (even when the band is open), there is
something strange I have noticed.

For me, over the decades, best propagation on 160m has always been around
our Sunrise . . . stations in North America will peak up 10dB or more at
that time. (it's also always been the best time for VK/ZL, rather than our

HOWEVER . . . in recent years there seems to be NO Sunrise peak !  If
anything, signals start dropping off.

You can see this very clearly when there's a contest on . . . and I've also
noticed it on my own signal by looking at RBN reports.

Strange, huh?!

Roger G3YRO

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