Topband: FT8 discussion

Mike Waters mikewate at
Wed Nov 29 14:25:29 EST 2017

Well said.  Just a few weeks ago, someone made the point that we should be
thankful that there is activity up there. The gist of it was that during
the year, much of the time the only activity on 160m is digital. "Use it or
lose it" was his point.

I do not wish to discuss this.

73, Mike

On Nov 29, 2017 11:54 AM, "Tree" <tree at> wrote:

All -

I think most of the issues around the FT8 spectrum use - and CW QRM have
been aired.

I think most of use have gotten used to seeing carriers on our spectrum
displays up around 1838-1840 - and generally that doesn't present a problem
for most other uses of the band.

A little understanding of the new mode is useful - so people can understand
how to avoid causing QRM.


The Management

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