Topband: Unfortunately I also feel that Ham radio is more or less lost.- Hans Hjelmstr?m

Dick Bingham dick.bingham at
Wed Oct 25 11:16:00 EDT 2017

In Hans Hjelmstrom's opinion I've partially listed below, I completely
agree. Ham Radio is doomed
to oblivion once we old-timers die off.

Why ? Well, consider:
1 - Fear of the FCC and loss of license is gone
2 - Profanity and other on-air forms of civil disrespect abound
3 - 8 and 9-YO EXTRA Class ticket holders - Cracker-Jack-prize
4 - Cell phone comms to anywhere in the world kills mystery of radio
5 - Examine QST's "The Doctor Is In" column and look at questions Extra's
are asking
6 - It appears today's kids are more interested in gaming as opposed to
things math/science
     they are just application-experts and have little or no understanding
of HOW a computer
     functions.(I have to admit my digital hardware skills are quite
lacking too.)
7 - CC&R restrictions against antennas has crippled many op's driving them
to being
     repeater-band operators
8 - Loss of CW as an entry-into-Ham-Radio-Filter has seriously dumbed-down
the technical
     side of Ham Radio
9 - Repeater systems linked together by commercial fiber lines, etc.

73 Dick/w7wkr at CN98pi and CN97uj
Message: 3
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2017 12:23:51 +0200
From: Hans Hjelmstr?m <sm6cvx at>
To: Steve Ireland <vk6vz at>, sm5djz at,  sm6cmU
        <sm6cmu at>, topband at
Cc: Kjell Nerlich <sm6ctq at>, sm6ctq at,    Peter Andersson
        <sm6mcw at>
Subject: Re: Topband: FT8 - the end of 160m old school DXing? (long)
Message-ID: <435447A1-A63A-4146-B55B-F17403D3234C at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hi Steve

I FULLY agree on all you write.  Unfortunately I also feel that Ham radio
is more or less lost.

According to me,,,this is NOT Ham radio,, it is digi to digi without any
personal feeling.
And even more ,it destroy completely the challenge of Ham radio?..

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