Topband: FT8 - the end of 160m old school DXing? (long)

Dave AA6YQ aa6yq at
Wed Oct 25 13:08:48 EDT 2017

>>>AA6YQ comments below

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of garyk9gs
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 11:22 AM
To: 'Topband reflector'
Subject: Re: Topband: FT8 - the end of 160m old school DXing? (long)

I was riding to a DX club meeting on Monday night with a friend who recently started playing around with FT8.
He said he's worked 60+ countries in a week or so using 100w.  Not on 160m.  He said that many of the QSOs were 10 or more db below the noise and many he could not hear at all.
All it would take is a few lines of additional code (the QSO itself is already automated) to log and find the next contact and one could go to work in the morning and come home to find out what you've worked.  The software even highlights the "new ones".

>>>It's been technically possible to do that with RTTY or PSK for decades. No one is interested in running a QSO machine.


             Dave, AA6YQ

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