Topband: OT - US Hams, WWV closure

K9FD merv.k9fd at
Wed Aug 22 20:31:15 EDT 2018

NIST budget is 750 million,   the budget committee is increasing the 
years budget to
them by 125 million,    100 anniversary celebration coming,
I dont think there is any danger of them going off the air for some time.

>> Some folks have commented on WWV's
>> minuscule operating expense when compared to the total federal budget, but
>> the problem with that thinking is we have thousands of federal programs and
>> departmental budgets that also contribute just a tiny fraction to federal
>> expense.  Collectively, it adds up to a much larger figure.  No matter what
>> goes away, the impact is felt by someone.
> I've heard Fed. Gov't burns through $6 Mil. every minute (maybe it's
> every second).  In the time it took to read this far, Bam another $6
> million.  Sure there are lots of dinky things the U.S. blows money on
> and if no one defends them then they go away if they're up for a
> defund.  NIST is sending up a trial balloon maybe?   Well, if there
> are enough tech. trogs using WWV and we make enough noise, maybe this
> dinky little program will get saved.  Let them cut funding for some
> stupid study on why moss only grows in shade.   Bam, there went
> another $6 million.  Don't know about all of you but I have a hell of
> a lot of things to do besides mess around trying to set up my own
> rubidium  doohicky because WWV went away.  Bam there went another $6
> million.
> 73
> Rob
> K5UJ
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