Topband: Working dupes on a band

Roger Kennedy roger at
Thu Feb 1 14:31:21 EST 2018

It would be a very boring hobby if you only ever worked a given station ONCE
. . .

To me, the hobby is all about having regular contacts - it's how you make
friends !

And that's the same whether it's locals or DX stations.

Also one of the reasons 160m has always been my main activity (for the past
48 years) is that I've always found it the friendliest of all the bands, and
certainly the best-behaved. 

I guess there are SOME people who are only interested in collecting new
prefixes, and having a quick QSO to achieve that. 

Well that's never interested me . . . I just find that really boring !

Having lots of contacts with people a long way away on 160m is what gives me
a buzz !  (it's too easy on all the higher bands)

Roger G3YRO

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