Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 182, Issue 4

Panos Dalakos pdala at
Sun Feb 4 14:50:09 EST 2018

Dear John
I am in the same category. I have only one antenna for all HF Bands. I
am first licenced on April 2002. My antennna placed on a flat roof,
about 10X18 m. All the roof is sealed with bituminus membrane, that
covered with aluminum foil, this is my "ground". The antenna till 2010
was a toploaded vertical 15m. The capacity hat was 2 wires 10m each. The
angle between vertical and each wire was 50 deg. Below the hat was a
trap 100uH/100pF. The antenna was cut for 1870kHz. Today I have the same
vertical radiator and groynd, but the capacity hat consists from 4
wires, 10m each, without any coil or trapp. On the base of antenna there
is an auto coupler that tune the system on any HF Band. From 2015 till
today I am not very active on any band. My main interest is topband. My
activity on VHF (Hi-Hi), 17M and up, was during some main contests.
The results of my activity (LOTW+Paper) are:
ALL BANDS 269/40
160 M 142/26
80 M  161/28
40 M  197/38
30 M  149/34
20 M  170/36
17 M   75/26
15 M  101/30
12 M   24/11
10 M   74/24
There is not some receiving antenna, but from time to time a random wire
placed for  receiving.
The helically wound is a very poor mono-bander antenna, that can't
radiate more than a vertical of the same length, just a waste of time. I
hope my information be useful for you.
73, Panos SV1GRD 


Message: 7
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2018 08:45:44 +0000 (UTC)
From: John Randall <m0els at>
To: "topband at" <topband at>
Subject: Topband: Best hf +top band antenna
Message-ID: <938290416.3489232.1517647544319 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Many people can only put up one antenna in a small garden which has to
cover all HF bands, so what antenna would you advise that will cover top
band to 10m. Perhaps a top loaded vertical or an inv L with loading coil
on the top wire section. What about a helically wound vertical Inv L 

Digitally signed mail - John? M0ELS

?The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who
speak it.?
George Orwell

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