Topband: Conditions on 160m for ARRL Contest

Mark van Wijk pa5mw at
Tue Feb 20 02:14:04 EST 2018

I also read somewhere these are navigation beacons in North East-sea area.
Anyone have a known explaining source for this?

Their transmission consist of three  T's; where the 3rd one is 20dB lower in
output and can only be hrd when they are very loud.

About 21 of these can be hrd on 160m, where indeed at about 1813 it seems the

For an example see:


Mark PA5MW

> Op 20 februari 2018 om 5:21 schreef Lee STRAHAN <k7tjr at>:
>  Mike and others,
>  Those signals are NOT fishnet beacons. They are as one here said a version of
> a navigation system similar to Hyperfix. The reason you hear three "dings"
> Is that there are three transmitters for each one that transmit in sequence
> and the electronics aboard ship measures the time of arrival for each pulse
> providing harbor navigation.
>  How do I know this, I have heard them from the NW here in OR many times and
> looked them up years ago. There have been at least two discussions about this
> here on top-band reflector over the years. And as mentioned they NEVER ID.
> They are also low power.
> Mike I would suggest you Google Hyperfix.
>  Lee K7TJR OR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mike Waters
> Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 5:09 PM
> To: topband at
> Subject: Re: Topband: Conditions on 160m for ARRL Contest
> Google *fishnet beacons *and educate yourself, gentlemen! :-)
> 73, Mike
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