Topband: Speaking of noises...

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at
Wed Feb 21 13:13:32 EST 2018

Here on the east coast, we have have the Wallops Island Ionosounde. Audible
on 160M, 80M, and 40M every couple of minutes.


On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 12:48 PM, Bill Tippett <btippett at>

> Does anyone know the source of periodic wideband buzzes that sound like
> this:
> buzzz..buzzz..buzzz..buzzz (i.e. 4X then pause)  buz..buz..buz (3X ~10 dB
> down).
> I believe this may be some sort of ionospheric sounder but I've heard this
> for decades, including when I was in Colorado.  Hopefully someone knows
> what's generating this.
> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
> P.S. to K4PI re salt water.  NEC models show approx +10 dB and very low
> angles for vertical effect for horizontal.
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