Topband: KH1/KH7Z TopBand Ops Brief

Jim Thomson jim.thom at
Fri Jul 13 13:03:21 EDT 2018

Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 10:23:19 +0300
From: uy0zg <uy0zg at>
To: GEORGE WALLNER <aa7jv at>
Cc: topband at, ha7ry at
Subject: Re: Topband: KH1/KH7Z TopBand Ops Brief

"> and Ukrainian stations also logged. (Remember, this was in July!)"

>Hi George !

>UY5VA and US4EX - tven in winter and summer they listen only on the 
>Internet !

>They do not have receiving antennas.

>QSO with Ukraine are not real.

>73 !UY0ZG

##  so what ?   They could have easily been using a remote station for  RX...  and TX, which is legit per the rules.
But using a remote station for RX only is a big  no-no !    That makes no sense what so ever. 

##      There is no way to enforce not using a remote RX, so the rule is further pointless. 

##  If  a  remote  TX + RX setup is ...ok.   Then so is a  remote RX.   Somebody needs to ..get  with the program,
and make some rule changes. 

Jim  VE7RF

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