Topband: Wednesday Night Conditions

David Olean k1whs at
Thu Mar 8 08:23:47 EST 2018

Hi Roger

I had a remarkable swing of QSB that took you from really loud to really 
weak. I had been hoping that we would have a great evening (finally) but 
when I first heard you calling, I said to myself, "This isn't good."  A 
few seconds later you were blasting in, so it made evaluating  the 
evening a bit difficult.   I heard the same condx on Z2LA last night. He 
went from weak to gone in the space of 30 seconds.  One DL station had 
so much QSB, that I thought another local station here was trying to 
help me fish out his weak callsign.  Very strange!

We were in the middle of a huge snow storm last night, and there was 
lightning involved with the storm system, so the static crashes were 
terrible here. We have a lot of new snow as well this morning.  I called 
a few CQs and worked a small string of OK, OH, SP, and DL stations.  I 
think many NA stations were parked on 1821 looking for Z2LA. I did not 
stay up for EU sunrise.

Dave K1WHS

On 3/8/2018 9:30 AM, Roger Kennedy wrote:
> Well conditions were a little better last night, although I only managed to
> work about ten NA stations between 0000z and 0100.
> I think there weren't that many stations on?
> I also just had an email from VU2GSM who said he called me around 0030z, but
> I didn't hear him!  (it was a bit noisy, due to a neighbour's TV that didn't
> go off until around 0100)
> I did come back on for a listen around 0500, to see if I could copy the
> Easter Island Dxpedition, but couldn't hear them. (although I worked it
> several years ago)
> Although there were several EU stations on calling CQ DX at that time,
> nobody was coming back to them, so didn't bother transmitting. (too late at
> night for you NA guys?)
> 73 Roger G3YRO
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