Topband: low inv-vee

Wes Stewart wes_n7ws at
Tue Mar 27 16:45:09 EDT 2018

My first 67 entities worked on 160 were with an inverted-vee with apex at about 
45 feet and the ends about 5 feet high.  Actually a few were with the antenna 
cut for 80 and using a tuner.  I couldn't even run full power (500W) with that 

Wes  N7WS

On 3/27/2018 11:49 AM, Carl Luetzelschwab wrote:
> Pete N4ZR said one option was to "Suspend inverted vees for 80 and 40 from
> the top of the rocket launcher (right under the tribander)."
> Gene AD3F commented on low inv-vees:  "From what I've read on Topband and
> TowerTalk over the years, a low Vee as you're proposing is likely to be a
> cloud warmer."
> Yes, a low inv-vee will radiate more energy at the higher elevation angles.
> But it still radiates energy at the lower elevation angles that are useful
> for longer distance contacts. For example, a 160-Meter inv-vee at an apex
> of 45 feet is about 10 dB down (approx 2 S-units) at an elevation angle of
> 15 degrees compared to a quarter-wave vertical over average ground.
> For the CQ 160M CW contest in January 2017, I used a 160-Meter inv-vee at
> 45 feet, with the last third of each end running horizontal and bent 90
> degrees from the main portion to fit on our property. Yes, it's a
> compromise antenna, but I worked 44 states (missed ME, ID, NE, AK), 7
> Canadian provinces and 17 DXCC entities (mostly Carib, Central Amer and
> South Amer, with some EU and a North Africa). My amp at 800 Watts certainly
> helped, along with a Shared Apex Loop array for receive.
> I wasn't first in most pile-ups, but perseverance got the job done most of
> the time. So don't count out a low inv-vee if you have trouble putting up
> something better. The inv-vee is relatively easy to erect and it's
> efficient in terms of not needing a ground system. Of course an 80-Meter
> inv-vee at 45 feet will be better than a 160-Meter inv-vee at 45 feet, as
> it's twice as high in terms of wavelengths.
> Carl K9LA
> _________________
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