Topband: Detuning TX ant + QSK

John Kaufmann john.kaufmann at
Wed Nov 28 08:18:41 EST 2018


I use Gigavac GH-1 vacuum relays for detuning my TX antennas when receiving.  The contact closure/release time is 6 msec.  You have to dial in enough QSK delay in your radio so that you don't hot-switch the relays.

73, John W1FV

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jim Thomson
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 5:26 AM
To: TopBand List
Subject: Topband: Detuning TX ant + QSK

For you folks that have to de-tune your  TX ant,  so your dedicated  RX ant works correctly,
if you also operate qsk, how do you do it ?   Are you using a sped up vac  relay to de-tune
the TX ant ?   I don’t see any other way to accomplish that task.  Or do you use vox cw ? 

Jim   VE7RF 
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