Topband: RE topband Leaving
Mike Waters
mikewate at
Tue Sep 4 23:54:08 EDT 2018
Okay, bear with me...
Perhaps we here ought to have a Code Of Conduct. Something along the lines
as this one:
I am one of the three moderators on Now, that site
is not a forum or a reflector, but I gar-run-tee you that none of this
bickering and (fill in your own definition of inappropriate behavior here)
is tolerated there.
Here's the gist of that Code of Conduct:
*Unacceptable Behavior*
*No subtle put-downs or unfriendly language.* Even if you don’t intend it,
this can have a negative impact on others.
*No name-calling or personal attacks*. Focus on the content, not the
person. This includes terms that feel personal even when they're applied to
content (e.g. “lazy”).
*No bigotry*. We don’t tolerate any language likely to offend or alienate
people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion — and those
are just a few examples. When in doubt, just don’t.
*No harassment*. This includes, but isn’t limited to: bullying,
intimidation, vulgar language, direct or indirect threats, sexually
suggestive remarks, patterns of inappropriate social contact, and sustained
disruptions of discussion.
We take your reports seriously. Those who don’t follow the Code of Conduct
in good faith may face repercussions deemed appropriate by our moderation
team. This is how moderators generally handle misconduct:
*1. Warning*
For most first-time misconduct, moderators will remove offending content
and send a warning. Most issues are resolved here.
*2. Account Suspension*
For repetitive misconduct or behavior containing harassment, bigotry, or
abuse, moderators will impose a temporary suspension (one day or more,
depending on the violation).
*3. Account Expulsion*
For very rare cases, moderators will expel people who display a pattern of
harmful destructive behavior toward our community.
All actions will be taken on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of our
moderators. ...
We created this Code of Conduct because it reinforces the respect that we,
as a community, expect from one another. Having a code also provides us
with clear avenues to correct our culture should it stray off-course.
*Why shouldn't we have something like that here, my friends?*
Actually, Dennis, I miss Tom. I learned an awful lot from him. He founded
Ameritron, helped to design the MFJ-259B antenna analyzer and a lot of
other items in the MFJ catalog.
I agree with what you say, but he calmed down a lot before he left
One of the hams that used to constantly pick and argue with Tom actually
made a point of hunting him down for the sole purpose of getting him upset.
(!) He took some kind of sadistic pleasure in doing it! I know for an
absolute fact that is true, because when I emailed this person politely
asking him about it, he plainly told me this. (Any questions about this
person's identity will be immediately trashed).
With an ENFORCED "be nice" policy here *with consequences for the kind of
behavior we see here*, Tom would probably still be here.
I am *not* campaigning to be moderator here. Make your own judgements, and
decide for yourselves whether these suggestions would make this Topband
Reflector a better place or not.
73 SK CL,
Mike moderator
On Tue, Sep 4, 2018, 2:31 PM Dennis OConnor via Topband <
topband at> wrote:
> Well, I have been gone a few years (spent time partially paralyzed and few
> other minor impediments) but when I come back nothing has changed.
> Yeah, Tom headed off into the distance. He sure did like to argue. What
> made those arguing with him go ballistic is he is often/mostly right on
> technical subjects. He just did not have the ability to shrug, decide the
> other guy was an idiot and let it go.
> What I do notice about leavers is they seem to feel sorry for themselves,
> feel they are abused, yadda yadda. Unless you have the stature of a Tom you
> won't even be mentioned by two weeks from now so feeling Noble is a waste
> of emotion.
> I participate in a few forums, ham antennas, contesting, boating,
> aircraft, photography, farming, astronomy, etc. I have lots of hobbies -
> remember, he who dies with the most wins.. I can tell you from long long
> experience that to be in any hobby forum you need to grow a thick skin. If
> someone really irritates you, don't read him.
> If you have had your say and he keeps coming back at you and digging, just
> drop it. Refuse to post any further on the topic. If you can't control
> yourself then block the thread. Let him declare victory, hold a parade, and
> sail for home. That is how the self declared winners of any war end it.In
> my case I don't know what the hoo-haa over millennials (whatever the hell
> they are) is about, don't care, don't want to know, and not gonna look up
> the thread. See, I don't have any stress
> (I cause it)
> To the OP on this issue, I urge you to stick around because I like to see
> any and all opinions - but if not, don't let the door knob do ya.And NO, I
> will not be looking back at this thread to see a reply. I have had my say
> and that's it.
> Ciao,Look for me on topband in 4 to 6 weeks when I get the soybeans
> combined and the broken antenna junk patched up (wow is it wrecked after 8
> years) I'm CW though.
> k8do
> _________________
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