Topband: Private thanks to you on your posting

Donald Chester k4kyv at
Thu Sep 6 13:48:57 EDT 2018

Sat Sep 1 21:21:26 EDT 2018 Bryon Paul Veal NØAH bryonveal at wrote:
> I think the problem is due to limited high Q antennas on top band, every one is 
> more concerned about 30Khz of usable DX bandwidth. 
> I find a lot of topband and is fully underutilized, much like 80M.  

We must remember that not all Top Band operators are weak-signal CW DXer enthusiasts or contesters, or FT8 operators. Some of us enjoy operating between 1800 and 1815 or so, and 1840-2000.  We ragchew  and participate in other types of operating activities with foreign and domestic stations using AM, SSB, CW and all other authorised modes.

I recall starting a  thread a few years ago when the FCC was proposing to upgrade amateur status on 1900-2000 from secondary/ Radiolocation primary, to full amateur primary from 1800 to 2000, urging everyone to submit comments to the FCC in support of this proposal.  I was surprised at the lack of interest and support.  Fortunately, the FCC proceeded with the proposed change and we now enjoy primary status across the entire band.

Even those interested solely in DXing in the so-called "window" should have enthusiastically supported this proposal, since if Radiolocation had remained primary in the top half of the band, eventually someone might have developed some kind of technology that qualified to the FCC as "radiolocation" and possibly crowded amateurs out of the top end of the band.  That would have meant more congestion in what we had left, including the frequencies used for weak-signal DX work.

Don k4kyv

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