Topband: Fw: Re[2]: VI9NI

Jamie WW3S ww3s at
Wed Apr 10 15:35:14 EDT 2019

I was one of the lucky ones this morning (not east coast, but not midwest either....I'm due north of K3LR, almost in Lake Erie, almost in Ohio !!!)....I checked the spots as soon as I got up, not much going on, then saw Dave's spot.....hurried down to the basement shack (do I get extra points for wearing nothing but boxer briefs?!?) turned everything on....nada.....It was just prior to 6 am, my local sunrise about 6:48.....listened and listened for 30 minutes or more, then I started to hear pings...deep qsb and loud qrn, thought I lost them, then bam, there he was cqing, gud copy....two calls later he was in the log !!! after we worked, he got louder and louder, good copy for about 8-10 minutes or so, and then at sunrise, bam, nothing....those magical minutes, worth getting up early for !!!

------ Original Message ------
From: "David Olean" <k1whs at>
To: "Chortek, Robert L." <Robert.Chortek at>; "topband at" <topband at>
Sent: 4/10/2019 10:10:56 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: VI9NI

>I would echo ur comments, Bob. I had to scrape the XYL's car windows early this morning, as we have had two days of snow and ice. So after finishing the ice removal, I went and checked 160 M before sunrise. The band was a tad noisy and I started CQing on 1822 and went on for awhile with no answers.  AA1K was calling CQ as well. I even tuned up to the FT-8 segment to see who and what was going on.  Back to calling CQ on CW on 1822.5 and VI9NI answered my CQ.  I almost fell over. We exchanged reports and a few FBs then they went up to 1825.5. I stayed on 1822 and then VK6VZ in Perth showed up right after! Both stations peaked up really loud. VI9NI hit S9 for a few minutes and was good copy for about 15 minutes after my sunrise at 10:11UT. All this with the K index at four! Nothing heard on northern paths.  No JAs and no HL5IVL.  VK6VZ was good copy on a skewed path aimed west. Normal direct path is about 330 degrees for me and thru the AU belt.
>A number of us East Coast stations worked VI9NI and many midwestern stations made the grade. They must have had fun on Norfolk Island!
>Dave K1WHS
>On 4/10/2019 1:24 PM, Chortek, Robert L. wrote:
>>VK9NI had a very nice signal on the West Coast today and lots of stations made it into the log on 160.
>>Very good propagation this morning.
>>Bob AA6VB
>>Sent from my iPhone
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