Topband: Counterpoise

Lee STRAHAN k7tjr at
Tue Apr 16 13:41:21 EDT 2019

   Hey Bob,
    Don’t forget that you could interfere with your Hi-Z receiving array by getting more radials close to it.
Lee    K7TJR   OR

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband <topband-bounces at> On Behalf Of Chortek, Robert L.
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:34 AM
To: topband at
Subject: Topband: Counterpoise

Fellow Topband Aficionados -

Question about wire layout in a elevated counterpoise system. 

My top loaded vertical stands right next to the house on the far side of our tiny suburban lot. The radials slope upward from the base at 3’ feet to the roof at about 10 feet, make a 90° turn and then run over the top of the house creating a giant U shape.

I’m wondering whether adding additional radials would improve the performance of the system, given that those additional radials will have to run pretty close to the existing 12, none will run in a straight line. 


Thanks for your input Xcode

Sent from my iPhone
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