Topband: V84SAA QSL

daraymond at daraymond at
Wed Apr 17 21:17:18 EDT 2019

Greetings topbanders. . . 

My recent comment about the quick confirmation via LoTW brought multiple private responses with comments questioning the need for a donation to receive speedy V84SAA LoTW confirmation.  Several asked why I would even make the requested $5 donation.  I felt the modest $5 donation to the operation was well worth it for the speedy LoTW confirmation.   By the time I filled out the card, addressed the envelope, put sufficient postage for foreign delivery on the envelope, put money in the envelope, get it to a mailbox, hope that it might actually get there un-pilfered, and then wait months for the card hoping that the foreign postal services actually got it to the USPS so it could be delivered. . . .well, I figured the $5 donation was about a break-even point (or less) as compared to mailing a printed card and “hoping.”  Plus, I didn’t mind at all making a rather small donation to a first rate operation with a real low band focus (which it most successfully had).  

73. . .Dave, W0FLS

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