Topband: Horizontal Waller Flag Modelling

David Needham k4aja73 at
Sat Apr 20 15:37:35 EDT 2019

Hello Top Banders,

I am collecting the parts to make my Horizontal Waller Flag. I am not up to
speed on EZNEC modelling and need to figure out the proper terminating
resistor values. Is there anyone able to help me complete the calculations?

It will be sharing the same boom as my 7 element Loop Fed Array for 6m, so
I ended up with the following design dimensions:
- Two 11' x 28' Loops made of aluminum tubing, including the end loops.
- Loops 14.5' apart on a 36.5 foot boom, 2" OD.
- 95 foot above ground

More info available by contacting me off list at K4AJA73 at gmail dot com.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Dave K4AJA

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