Topband: Lack of NA Activity on CW
daraymond at
daraymond at
Mon Apr 22 18:23:59 EDT 2019
Hello Topbanders. . .
In my opinion the lack of activity centers on a few key issues:
1. There is no denying FT8 has siphoned off a lot of CW activity, easily
proven by a quick tune of the band any night of the week.
2. Summertime QRN in the northern hemisphere further diminishes CW (and
SSB) activity. Not many are willing to endure constant S9 or +20/9 static
crashes in the headphones (major kudos to our stalwart friends in the
southern hemisphere that regularly do). Having great RX antennas is little
consolation when QRN from weather systems still knocks your phones off.
3. Many of the stations with larger, more robust antenna systems are either
off the air during summer months or have reduced capability due to lightning
issues or are off the air due to crop/land use issues. These are the same
stations (be it NA, EU, Asian) that are otherwise QRV, some calling CQ
nightly during fall and winter months which give opportunities for the
smaller DX stations to respond which, in itself, helps create further
activity. The absence of these larger stations is a factor.
4. The overall reduction in amateur HF activity is definitely a factor.
When I got my novice license in the summer of 1963 I operated 40 CW. The
band was packed, day and night. The band was so crowded I frequently could
find no open spot to call CQ with my DX-35 and box of crystals (I still have
the DX-35).
5. I don't think age is a particular factor. A lot of new people have
gotten on 160m in the past decade or so. It seems we have many more people
QRV 160 then we did 30 or 40 years ago.
I will continue to be QRV on CW, the mode that offers me the excitement of
direct, uninhibited, real-time, visceral interaction with the other station.
Respectfully with 73 to all. . . Dave, W0FLS
-----Original Message-----
From: Chortek, Robert L.
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 4:07 PM
To: Mike Waters
Cc: Roger Kennedy ; topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: Lack of NA Activity on CW
Hi Mike,
I respect that, but I’d guess the aging population of Topband Ops only
explains a small part of the lack of CW activity.
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 22, 2019, at 1:56 PM, Mike Waters
<mikewate at<mailto:mikewate at>> wrote:
On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 3:50 PM Chortek, Robert L.
<Robert.Chortek at<mailto:Robert.Chortek at>> wrote:
... Seems like most CW ops have lost interest of late. I’m about to pull
the plug ...
Some of us CW ops have not lost interest at all. Our advancing age is like a
brick wall sometimes.
When and if we can, then we will.
73, Mike<>
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