Topband: DU6/N6SS Post Opn Summary

Preston Smith n6ss at
Mon Apr 29 20:50:14 EDT 2019

Follows a rundown on the 02Mar-16Apr2019 operations of DU6/N6SS
with topband data on CW & FT8.

Rig: K3 and a pampered KPA500, 300W max
Tx Ant: crossed 80 & 40m inverted vees up 50 ft on top of a 70 ft
    hill, 80 broadside NA, 40 broadside EU. Inverted vees force fed
    on 30-10m using a THP autotuner in shack as a line flattener.
    Relays convert the system to a 42 ft vertical toploaded by the
    inverted vees with a 129 ft elevated radial that runs down the
    hillside aimed at NA. At the feedpoint the minimum SWR is
    2:1 at 1820. The autotuner provides 1:1 to the KPA500 from
    1800-1910 and probably higher.
Rx Ant: 400 ft BOG on NA available the last week of ops, it helps
    vs. the vertical to NA but not as much as I hoped. More work
    on rx ants next trip.

160m non-contest QSO data: (QRV 160m 09Mar-16Apr)

CW                  FT8
10 (5 JA, 5 W/K)    196 (including 57 W/K & 1 AL7)

With the exception of WS5W north of Dallas all QSOs were with
stns in NM, AZ, CA, NV, UT, ID, MT, OR & WA. Strange but no VE
was heard or seen. The few CW contacts isn't due to lack of
trying. I kept a watch on Zone 3 RBNs but the few reported
couldn't hear me or were not audible in DU6. In contrast 1840
was usually quite active. I did some CQing on CW with few

Just 21 EU in the log but only because I wasn't awake. The K3
and PSK Reporter ran all night every night and copied hundreds
of EU calls during the opn.

It was a pleasure to hand out a surprising number of "First
DU on 160" contacts. All logs have been uploaded to LOTW.

DU6/N6SS should be back in business later this year or
early 2020. C U then and dupes on FT8 are welcome!

73/Pres, N6SS

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