Topband: FT8

Ross Johnson randljohnson at
Thu Aug 1 05:50:28 EDT 2019

Interesting reading, this proves to me beyond dough  at least some cw 
operators feel
they are superior and any other means of communication is below them.

I passed the cw test here in 1976 but rarely us it , might try to work 
the odd
Dxpedition . It doesn’t help when they wont slow down for someone who is 
not up to their standard.

I have been on 6 metres for 40 years and worked a large number of 
countries but will never make 100 without moon bounce as we are so 
isolated . FT8 in general has been good for 6. Last summer 100 watt 
stations with simple antennas were working about 4800km to VK6. Not easy 
on SSB. VK3s  have worked or heard EU last month. Worked North America 
as well. A local ham here also worked NA and decoded S50.
JA and HL also worked. I have only managed 4 winter openings to Vk. 
During ssb winter  years, some years nothing worked. Clearly FT8 and 
being on same frequency helps.

Am new to 160m, been on 1 year. and amazed I have worked 60 countries 
FT8 from a town sized section. My L antenna vertical section is only up 
30 feet and rest drops to 15 feet with a bend in it. Many EU worked. So 
like it or not digital DXCCs will be issued even if they are seen as 
second class to some of you .

73  Ross    ZL3RJ   ZL3ADT

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