Topband: Modeling close to earth ( was Odd-ball question)

Mike Waters mikewate at
Tue Aug 27 14:37:00 EDT 2019

Exactly! I have been told by *many* highly intelligent people that when
modeling any wires running horizontal near the ground, all bets are off, *no
matter what software is used. Not even the most expensive version of
NEC4. *That's
just a fact.

Maybe that'll change someday, but it's doubtful unless we can plug accurate
measurements of the near and far ground conductivity into the model. And
that's just beyond the reach of anyone.

73, Mike

On Sat, Aug 24, 2019, 7:54 PM Artek Manuals <Manuals at>

> Chuck et all
> It is well documented that the the NEC-2 based programs leave something
> to be desired with wires on or very near the ground. This includes most
> of the EZENEC family and MMANA-G Purportedly NEC-4 ( there is a Eznec
> version which runs with NEC 4 engine ... not a cheap date) does deal
> with the near earth problem .

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