Topband: Drones for antenna installation?

Gary Smith Gary at
Sat Aug 31 12:15:09 EDT 2019


That is a worthy question and one I asked 
myself before engaging in making this. I 
used schedule 40 PVC pipe and it has a 
significant pressure rating. There are 
other pipes with a higher rating and some 
(can't recall the name) sold cheaply that 
has a cell foam core. They are 
light-weight and they are not for pressure 

Schedule 40 is rated at 450 PSI. Schedule 
80 630 PSI.



I have never pumped my pressure tank to 
more than 70 PSI to get over the tallest 
trees and that 70 pounds runs the line out 
to the end of the large open face spinning 
reel attached to the barrel propelling a 
foot long PVC spud that definitely finds 
its way downward through the leaves and 
branches more easily than a tennis ball 

If... the tennis ball launchers will also 
propel a heavier PVC spud, I'd use that in 
them as the difference in ease once it's 
shot is remarkable.

But as to the fear of explosion, knowing 
the PSI and using the pressure guage in 
the hand pump relieved my concerns. 




> The one thing that scares me with the tennis ball launcher is the risk
> of the plastic air reservoir exploding - probably not a problem with
> new pipe but as the pipe ages I would expect the pipe to become
> brittle and that brittleness may not be easy to detect until it is
> pressurised.
> The sling-shots do have the problem of the rubber tubes perishing -
> but a visual check will easily detect this.
> David G4FTC
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