K9FD merv.k9fd at
Sat Dec 14 15:16:16 EST 2019

This morning conditions were close to, not quite as good as 2008 era.
A5 was a good signal drawing a big crowd,  4S7 good signal even after 
lot of Asian Russians,  EU Russians,  EU from north to G, F, SV, etc 
EA8ZT called me with 599 plus signals just after my sunrise,  lot of good
DX and decent signals.
Flash Gordon must have had his ray shield in place and deflecting them into
deep space.

 From my morning 160 monitoring for the past month or so,  it has been 
decent conditions on and off.
The death of the band is greatly exaggerated,  you just have to check 
both ends
of the band to find the activity so to speak.
If this continues,  would hope next season to be close to 2008 era.

73 Merv K9FD
> This morning - I put 21 Europeans in the log.
> Guess conditions are not that bad.
> Tree  N6TR
> On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 10:24 AM Bill Tippett <btippett at> wrote:
>> This could account for relatively poor conditions on 160 despite the low SF
>> and K indices:
>> *COSMIC RAY UPDATE:* Something ironic is happening in Earth’s atmosphere.
>> Solar activity is low–very low. Yet atmospheric radiation is heading in the
>> opposite direction. Cosmic rays percolating through the air around us are
>> at a 5 year high and only percentage points away from a Space Age record.
>> Find out what's happening on today's edition of
>> <
>> .
>> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
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