Topband: FT-8

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at
Fri Feb 1 06:03:59 EST 2019

Bill just about summarized my feelings.  I get no satisfaction from modes
where I can't even hear anything

in the speaker.  I love that technology is marching forward, BUT I want to
be there with it.

I am with CW and SSB and to a much lesser degree RTTY (I do a vy small
amount of RTTY (maybe 2-3% of my contesting a year is RTTY)..but even with
RTTY I'm involved, tuning signals, adjusting filters, guessing callsigns
when the software won't quite get it.


The one thing I don't like about FT-8, is that on 6m I can (sometimes) call
my guts out on CW or SSB and not work anyone (even though prop is there),
whereas up the band there are FT-8 signals all piled on top of one another.
Same for 160m I guess.


It's partially generational.  Give me DX "now" and don't make me work for it
at all (so says the masses).


I'll stop there before I get into real trouble, hi !


Mike VE9AA


This thread has been addressed on various reflectors.

I've tried it, made around 400 contacts or so, and found the mode pretty 

boring.  Even with my pileups on FT-8 the mode left me cold.  I felt the

way with RTTY...tried it and found it boring.  Why?  With CW SSB/AM I felt a

connection with the other person, someone sending with a key or a person 

speaking to me.  With RTTY and especially FT-8 my machine is decoding your 

machine.  Oh yeah, I know my XCVR is a machine and so is yours, but for me

not the same.

I understand why guys get all hot and bothered about the new mode, it gives

guys who don't know CW a chance to work DX on a mode other than SSB and

the weaker signal guys a chance to work DX.  For the guys with bigger

it gives them a chance to work the rarer ones on tough bands like, 160 or 6.

Maybe that's why I'm not into FT-8, I've got a big station, and can work CW.

Also, I've never been really into putting the new one in the log as much as 

many guys are...I'm more of a contester.

If you want to work your pileups and/or work 300 countries on FT-8, that's

with me.  I'm not going to look down my nose at you but please don't 

condescendingly  tell me I'm a dinosaur or refuse to accept new technology.

I'm accepting it, I just don't want to be part of it.  No hard feelings.


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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