Topband: V84SAA report 1530z 09 Feb

donovanf at donovanf at
Sat Feb 9 13:07:30 EST 2019

Very low solar activity at sunspot minimum makes 40 meters nearly 
a 24 hour DX band, especially during December and January 
and especially further north where there are 14 hours or more 
of darkness. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "terry burge" <ki7m at> 
To: donovanf at, topband at 
Sent: Saturday, February 9, 2019 5:59:35 PM 
Subject: Re: Topband: V84SAA report 1530z 09 Feb 

Don't know what to think of this. I just worked V84SAA on 7175 at 9:52AM PST! He is a very good copy 56/7 on my K3. Something it's hard to figure for almost 10AM on 40 mtrs. 


> On February 9, 2019 at 8:41 AM donovanf at wrote: 
> Hi Jeff, 
> I never heard even the slightest trace of V84SAA on topband this 
> morning. I'll be there again starting at 1000Z tomorrow. 
> I started to hear Krassy on 80 meters at 1213Z, 6 minutes after sunrise. 
> It was extremely difficult to break through his big JA pileup, 
> but after what seemed like a hundred calls I finally attracted his 
> attention at 1222Z moments before the band faded out. 
> I was receiving Krassy a solid 559 on my 80 meter 8-circle array 
> pointed NW. No trace on the other paths. I was transmitting on 
> my 2 element 80 meter quad at 180 feet. 
> Great ears Krassy, thanks! 
> 73 
> Frank 
> W3LPL 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "k1zm--- via Topband" <topband at> 
> To: topband at 
> Sent: Saturday, February 9, 2019 3:28:16 PM 
> Subject: Topband: V84SAA report 1530z 09 Feb 
> Hi Gang 
> I am off to bed but a quick update on the lowbands out here. 
> On 80m at our SS we had some good luck. K1LZ worked KV4FZ, FM5BH K8MFO some W0's W3LPL, W3UR and quite a few others. 
> This was as the sun setting out over the ocean. 
> On 160m where I was - it was really tough - but managed to copy N4IS in (FLA) and work N0FW in Cincinnati Ohio. 
> We have a 1000 ft beverage aimed at NA on the short path - and the xmit antenna is almost in the salt water - but honestly NA signals on Topband are about RST 109 for the most part. 
> Only the west coast is about 559 with some exceptions Keep the faith - we are trying - with an S meter resting at S1 and only atmospheric noise to deal with - it is still beyond hard to hear stations considerably BELOW that level. 
> It is almost ESP like out here on Topband! Keep the faith - maybe we will get an uptick in propagation while we are here 
> Jeff BriggsDXing on the Edge: The Thrill of 160 Meters Available worldwide through BookBaby, Array Solutions, DX Engineering, Radio Society of Great Britain, & Amazon 
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