Topband: Lack of Activity

Roger Kennedy roger at
Wed Feb 13 15:17:14 EST 2019

I've been off the air for a few weeks, due to personal issues . . . but
started coming back on 160m . . .

But it's SO frustrating . . . I'm often seeing my RBN reports from North
American stations peaking 30 to 40 dB above the noise . . . yet I'm lucky to
have 1 or 2 actual QSOs !

I'll hear hundreds of DX stations on the band calling a DX-pedition . . .
but then they'll disappear again. Is that all you want to do, come on the
band to just work ONE station?!  I find that ridiculous . . . actually it
makes me very sad for the future of the hobby.

The same goes for contests . . . hundreds of stations on 160m . . . but then
silence the rest of the time !

And all the people that complain that the only stations that seem to be on
are using FT8 . . . well if you actually came on CW, there would be a lot
more activity.

I'm going to suggest what I suggested last winter . . . a Wednesday 160m DX
Activity Night.  It worked last year . . . a lot of North American stations
actually came on the band (and that brought lots more Europeans on too)

Saturday Night/Sunday Morning always used to be the main night for 160m DX
contacts too . . . but again the band is very quiet these days (even when
RBN shows there's good propagation)

So I'll be on the band tonight from around 2330Z looking for any contacts .
. . 

Roger G3YRO

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