Topband: Satisfactory fiberglass pole for K9AY loop

Peter Sundberg sm2cew at
Thu Feb 21 09:39:10 EST 2019

I've always used an aluminium pole (actually part 
of an old 20m yagi reflector element) for my K9AY loops, works very well.

A short wooden pole driven into the ground holds 
the aluminum pole and the loops act as an excellent guying system.

Strong and totally maintenance free.

Peter SM2CEW

At 16:35 2019-02-20, Wes wrote:
>I suppose it depends on where you are, but in 
>Arizona, those things don't last in the 
>sun.  You are soon left with a column of glass 
>fibers that best be handled with gloves as you 
>put them in the trash can.  Insidious stuff. 
>Wes  N7WS On 2/20/2019 7:34 AM, N1SV wrote: > 
>Look around for the fiberglass stackable army 
>surplus mast sections either at a local flea 
>market or online.  Think they come in 4-foot 
>sections. That’s what I’ve been using to 
>support my K9AY loop for years. > > Les, N1SV > 
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