Topband: Inv L improvements question

F Z_Bruce k1fz at
Sat Jan 19 10:41:31 EST 2019

Unlike raised radials or a counterpoise...however,.........

Its better if the radials, if only a few, under ground are not resonant as the high impedance/ high voltage end  can loose a lots of energy to ground.

It is quite well known that a 'fat' (large diameter) antenna is lower Q,  is wider in  frequency , and depending upon physical width, is much lower impedance  and voltage at the top end. 

Similar to the fat antenna, An  'in ground' radial field can be made 'fat' by increasing the number of radials, avoiding the resonant length, and reducing the Q.    A perimeter wire around the far end of the radials can lower the impedance and voltage loss.


On Sat, 19 Jan 2019 11:40:04 +0000 (UTC), John Randall via Topband wrote:

Can a radial(s) buried a couple of inches under the ground be tuned via an inductor and Can the radial all be connected to said inductor if they are the same length. Infact can it be done and is there any gain by doing this ?
73John - M0ELS
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