Topband: Inverted L improvements - Part 3 (now with data)
wes_n7ws at
Tue Jan 22 15:21:14 EST 2019
I started this message a day or so ago. Others have commented since with some
similar thoughts, nevertheless, here is my take.
Todd you're going the wrong direction. The feed point resistance should be going
A 1/4 wave wire vertical should have a radiation resistance(Rr) of around 35
ohm. Ignoring conductor loss, over a perfect (zero ohm) ground, the feed point
resistance is also ~35 ohm. The Rr of a shortened, top loaded vertical
(inverted-L) will be lower than that, the shorter, the lower. Ground loss
resistance (Rg) that appears in series with the Rr increases the feed point
resistance to Rr + Rg, assuming resonance. Rg also lowers Q.
Since your total feed point resistance is increasing, as is BW, you must have
increased Rg. Although this seems counter-intuitive, experiments have shown
that, on or in, the ground radials can be too long. See: "Vertical antenna
ground system experiment No. 4" by N6LF.
For my inverted L, I cut my insulated-on-the-ground radials to 55' because 1)
that's the height of the vertical part of the L; 2) it gives me 9 radials with
no waste from a 500' roll of wire and 3) that's the longest length I can use and
still maintain symmetry. I recently measured the Z of one of these against the
rest of the ground system with a network analyzer and by serendipity found it
resonant at ~1.9 MHz.
At the moment I have only 12 radials, although I plan more (see my QRZ page to
see why I haven't rushed into this). Around resonance, a Smith chart display of
a model of the antenna feed point Z overlays nearly identically the measured Z,
if I add 13 ohm simulated ground resistance to the model. That is the apparent
ground loss.
Wes N7WS
On 1/21/2019 6:45 PM, Todd Goins wrote:
> Hello,
> Per many people's recommendations I added 800ft of radials today. That is 8
> x 100ft each. It made a difference on the analyzer which I'll summarize
> below. It was dark when I finished but here are a few data points. I think
> it is better. The wide SWR curve still bothers me but the resistance is
> coming up.
> This is also using the new K9YC cookbook choke with 18 turns of RG400
> around a 2.4" type 31 toroid.
> The values are Freq, SWR, R, X, Z
> 1810 1.43 42.0 -14.5 44.5
> 1820 1.31 43.2 -10.7 44.5
> 1830 1.21 44.1 -6.7 44.7
> 1840 1.13 45.0 -2.5 45.1
> 1850 1.10 45.9 1.7 45.9
> 1860 1.14 47.0 5.7 47.3
> 1870 1.23 48.0 10.1 49.1
> 1880 1.34 49.1 14.7 51.2
> Any thoughts? The 160 CW contest is only 4 days away, I don't have a lot
> more time to make changes but I could run a "few" more radials...
> 73,
> Todd - NR7RR
> _________________
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