Topband: Inverted L improvements - Part 3 (now with data)

Chortek, Robert L. Robert.Chortek at
Tue Jan 22 19:34:05 EST 2019

Meant to say “should not decrease loss ...”


Bob AA6VB 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 22, 2019, at 4:11 PM, Chortek, Robert L. <Robert.Chortek at> wrote:
> “Wes cut his radial length to match the vertical L section height (see N6LF
>> reference).  He didn't reduce the number of radials.”
> I didn’t think it was the “shortening” OF the length of the radials that would improve performance e.g. going from 10 125’ radials to 10 55’ radials (in the case of a 55’ vertical); rather, it was the fact that 10x 125’ of wire could be better employed to increase the number of radials, albeit resulting in shorter radials, that decreases the ground loss (since most is nearer the base of the vertical).  If I’m correct, then shortening a given number of radials should decrease loss or improve performance....
> 73,
> Bob AA6VB

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