Topband: Hi-Z 160M only 8 circle

Doug Turnbull turnbull at
Mon Jan 28 16:26:00 EST 2019

Dear OMs and Yls
I would like to say that the Hi-Z 200' or 60M diameter 8 circle was fabulous
to use in the CQWW 160 CW test.    The directivity is a joy.   I think the
claim that this directivity is equivalent to that of a 5 element Yagi is a
bit much but I can certainly see where this claim comes from.   Switching 45
degrees in direction can produce 25 dB attenuation.    

The 8 circle exclusively for 160M should not be confused with the 8 circle
for 160, 80 and 40.   The 160M 8 circle is a true 8 circle using all 8
elements while the multiband 8 circle is in reality two interlaced 4 squares
which operate independently of each other.

It is a great joy when trying to work NA in a contest to put the EU off the
back of the antenna and knock the noise down to the point that it can be

Thank you Hi-Z.

                73 Doug EI2CN

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