Topband: RFI on TB

Gary Smith Gary at
Thu Jul 25 13:12:49 EDT 2019

I agree with Ed, never rule it out. Me, I 
tried beverages over my available space 
(Salt marsh with phragmites everywhere) 
and they were more than worthless in this 
specific location. I think between the 
proximity to salt water and the dry leaves 
making static, the beverages were much 
louder than my L.

I tried several Rx options and the 3 
element HI-Z triangular was my first 
genuine success for low band Rx. Loved 
them so much I bought an 8 element and now 
use the 8 & 3 for diversity with the K3s. 
Best choice I made. 

There are times though when I listen to 
the transmit antenna and hear a specific 
signal the best. Very rare, but it 

Just my 2 pence.


> I use beverage "almost" all the time for receive on 160M.  However,
> there are times, clearly a minority, when listening on my phased array
> of 2 verticals is better.  When conditions are super quiet in the
> winter and signals are weak from a very distant station.  Don't rule
> out your Transmit antenna all the time.
> 73
> Ed  N1UR
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