Topband: Broadband DHDL

Rodman, David rodman at
Sat Jul 27 13:44:46 EDT 2019

My QTH is awkward for putting additional beverages BUT I am intrigued by the DHDL if it can be phased broadside (I have enough room for that), per the reference from IV3PRK:

I have a few questions that would need to be answered.

1.  Where in the physical layout of the antenna is the terminating resistor located?

2.  I could build the transformer to match, but does anyone know a commercial product that would do the 12:1 transformation??

3.  What would be the details to phase and combine the two (what length?) antenna feed lines to a 50 or 75 ohm transmission line to the station with a 2 antenna broadside configuration??


David J Rodman MD
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Ophthalmology

Office 716-857-8654

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