Topband: Great moments in Top Band History - 7P8LB

W7RH midnight18 at
Sun Mar 17 18:23:14 EDT 2019

Hello All,

I'm not so sure about the title but it was interesting and fun none the 
less to chase 7P8LB on top Band. I made attempts all three evenings but 
failed to garnish a contact. Each night I could hear them up two hours 
before their sunrise. Then, near the magical time 03:45 -04:15 UTC they 
would rise above the noise Q5 copy.

I recorded night number two and almost all of the opening on their last 
morning event. Kudos to K7ZV, N6VR, AA7A, W5ZN, N4RJ and KY7M who made 
it into Rune's log.

I have no idea what they were using for antennas but the signal was very 
predictable and consistent.

Eastern Africa is a difficult but not impossible path from the left 
coast. Perhaps with a little influence we convince someone to go to 
zones 21, 23 and 39 to make a serious low band effort. The late Winter 
and Spring Equinox time periods would be perfect for a WAZ wrap up!

All of this made up of the giant Pacific void we have.

73 and best DX

Bob, W7RH

W7RH DM35os

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." - Albert Einstein

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