Topband: Butternut HF2V?

Edward navydude1962 at
Mon Mar 18 05:41:55 EDT 2019

Yes, Tree. In Riyadh. Would use a Pixel Loop in conjunction with vertical. Would be a shame not to offer up Riyadh on 160. 

Saudi granted permission to use 80m sometime back, albeit on a weird segment. (3.650 I think). 

Want to figure out best 160m antenna scheme so that I can ship it out when in California this summer. Planning accordingly. 


> On Mar 18, 2019, at 12:20 PM, Tree <tree at> wrote:
> Hi Ed - 
> A couple of questions - what is your QTH?  If indeed you are Saudi Arabia, then you probably can make enough noise with that antenna to create a good sized pileup - assuming you can get some power to it.  100 watts might be a bit on the light side.
> However, probably a bigger issue is what your received noise is like.  If you are in a modern city and surrounded by electronic devices - it is likely your noise level is going to be pretty high - and this might be so bad that it pushes the "worth it" answer one way or the other.
> I have used the Cushcraft MA160V to make QSOs 16000 km away with 100 watts - but that will take good conditions AND a quiet receiving location.  
> BTW - I understand 7Z1SJ was active at his sunrise this morning - working N2IC/5 in New Mexico.
> Tree N6TR
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 10:40 PM Edward via Topband <topband at> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I am contemplating a Butternut HF2V for a rooftop installation. I need to keep this low profile. I will be able to add some top loading and decent radials. Height will be about 30’. 
>> Worthwhile?  Thoughts appreciated. 
>> 73,
>> Ed 7Z1ES
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