Topband: XR0ZRC TB report from AZ last night

wa8wzg at wa8wzg at
Tue Mar 26 13:24:59 EDT 2019

To all..
I spent 3 hours last night listen and trying to work XR0.. when they 
were decent copy IN AZ about 0400,,.. when there were Many NA, stations 
calling along with a lot of Eu,, but VERY few made it into their 
log..Then about 0500 or so,, they started asking for EU only..and the 
band was FULL of EU up at least 3 KHz...but again very few making it 
into the log,,,BUT ZR0 was good copy for me the whole EU run.. Then 
about O600 they stopped asking for EU, and then the NA stations that 
were still on the band started calling,, I heard them work WA7NS about 
90 miles north of me,, and I called them right after a few times and 
worked them about 0620...they were a real 569 to me from 0500 till they 
stopped calling CQ not long after I worked them...
they were definitely struggling to hear.. MANY "BIG" gun stations both 
NA and EU,, did not make it last nite,,
It took perseverance last nite,, and a LOT of Luck for those of us that 
made it into their log..
That's My report from AZ...

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