Topband: Bog ideas

Mikek amdx at
Mon Nov 11 13:32:27 EST 2019

I forgot the link in my last post.

 >I'm getting serious about running another BOG antenna, my first was 
destroyed by
 >a bulldozer after the hurricane.
 > As long as I'm putting in the labor, I want to build the best I can. 
I have searched
 >and don't find anything really new, just match and terminate properly, 
keep it on the ground,
 >not covered by debris, and make good grounds. W8JI has the ferrite 
loading idea, for regular BOGs,
 >which I did use about 9 binocular cores (thru one hole) on my previous 
 > Are there any improvements to BOG antennas floating around?
 >My main use will be AM BCB, but some 160M and 80M, but any 
optimization would be for AM band use.
 > Here is a comparison of my 250ft BOG to my 150ftlong wire, 30ft high.
 >Note: my B0G feed line was twisted speaker wire. That's a subject for 
a different thread.
 >                                       Mikek

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