Topband: H40TT on 160m

Alan Swinger awswinger at
Mon Nov 25 16:55:43 EST 2019

So, your computer worked him while you were out of the room and not at the rig!? If only there was an award for computers vice operators. - Alan K9MBQ

-----Original Message-----
>From: Wes <wes_n7ws at>
>Sent: Nov 25, 2019 7:42 AM
>To: topband at
>Subject: Re: Topband: H40TT on 160m
>Conditions are awful with horrible noise this AM.  Haven't figured out whether 
>it is local or what. I don't need H40 and I'm defiantly not a fan of FT8. 
>Nevertheless, I set up the rig and unsuccessfully called for awhile before 
>deciding to come into the office and check my email.
>I just stepped back into the shack and see that "I" worked him at 12:26:30 with 
>a -15 signal report.
>Wes  N7WS
>On 11/25/2019 4:46 AM, Gary Smith wrote:
>> I finally worked them, just a couple
>> minutes ago FT8 @ 11:30Z, on their 1.836
>> band plan, Right in the middle of my gray
>> line, 6:30AM local.
>> I'm lucky to hear them at this time, I'm
>> 75' from AMTRAK and gray line is always
>> obliterated heavy commuter rail traffic
>> with me being 5 minutes away from New
>> London, CT, a major hub between Boston &
>> NYC. During the contest I missed several
>> gray line contacts because I couldn't hear
>> anything for 30 seconds with each passing
>> train and that's the busiest commuter
>> time.
>> Grouse grouse...
>> One of the impressive things I notice with
>> JTDX's FT8 waterfall, while the P3 shows
>> bright red obliteration of the signal and
>> headphones are also obliterated when the
>> trains pass, with the JTDX waterfall there
>> is almost no indication of the RFI from
>> the train passing. I was -22 & they were
>> -18 so the signals were low indeed.
>> Ah well, they're in the log now. Love 160,
>> it's never a sure bet.
>> 73,
>> Gary
>> KA1J
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