Topband: Circle arrays

David Olean k1whs at
Mon Oct 14 10:34:06 EDT 2019

I am pondering an eight circle array.  At present my only ham band that 
I am QRV on is 160 meters. A few years ago I had 28 thru 24 GHz all 
percolating, but the maintenance was killing me. i was a slave to the 
station. Now I am having fun! Rather than tweaking with noise figure 
meters and VNAs, I now do all my work with wrenches and chainsaw.

There are several choices for 8 circle arrays.  My question is how much 
benefit would I get from the single band version as opposed to a dual or 
three band choice?  Reading the hype is always fraught with danger.  
Practical experience is always better.  My thinking is that if there is 
a distinct advantage, I would go with a 160 only setup and forego the 
other bands.  I can carve out a 200 ft circle with a little chainsaw 
action. I have about 180 ft of field available now, so can get the room 
with not too much trouble.

I also better hook up my 160 transceiver quick. It is still packed away 
from Field Day!!


Dave K1WHS

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