Topband: Desiccant in Beverage Boxes

Michael Walker va3mw at
Wed Oct 30 11:26:56 EDT 2019

I have long given up trying to waterproof boxes from Rain.

I keep them rain proof and make sure there are multiple places for water to
run out.

I also do a lot with Alpine Ski racing and we have timing boxes, no
different than a Beverage box, scattered all over ski hills.  Same
practice.  Just make sure you have it somewhat ventilated.

If you open a box and it is full of water, you then have a problem.  :)

Mike va3mw

On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 10:57 AM Mike & Becca Krzystyniak <k9mk at>

> Thanks everyone, all good inputs on experiences and options.
> For the record I'll be trying small weep holes first and maybe some
> internal
> conformal coating in an attempt to reduce residues...
> 73  Mike k9mk/5
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mike &
> Becca Krzystyniak
> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 2:28 PM
> To: 'TopBand List'
> Subject: Topband: Desiccant in Beverage Boxes
>     I went to put my beverages back up for this winter.  On a whim I opened
> each connection box and found a fair amount of a white powderish condensate
> inside the diecast housings. Mostly on the housing surfaces.  Wires and
> cores were clean.  Is it worth putting a desisscant bag inside to help
> minimize this or don't fix what isn't broken?
> Thanks...  Mike K9MK
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