Topband: Inverted L redux

Clive GM3POI clive at
Mon Sep 2 15:39:52 EDT 2019

The bandwidth of the SWR is a clue to how poor the ground system is. As you
add radials the bandwidth will get narrower and the SWR is likely to change.
At present it all looks like a big dummy load. When you think you have added
enough radials double it again and measure parameters again.

73 Clive GM3POI

-----Original Message-----

From: Topband [ <mailto:topband-bounces at>
mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of N4ZR

Sent: 02 September 2019 19:08

To: topband reflector

Subject: Topband: Inverted L redux

More as an experiment and a thought-provoker than anything else, I've
started adding 50-60-foot, on-the-ground radials to my 135-foot inverted L.
In the latest incarnation I'm up to 4 radials.  On my ancient MFJ-259B the
lowest SWR is 1.3:1 at 1825 KHz, with an R of 77. X=0 (the 259B doesn't give
the sign of j) from 1808 to1894, which I assume is roughly centered on the
actual cross-over point.

With my rudimentary knowledge of such things, I'm guessing that there
remains something on the order of 50 ohms of ground resistance to be reduced
for efficiency,  through addition of radials.  Question is, would I profit
most by adding another 4 50-60 foot radials, or 2 radials each 100-120 feet?

Comments appreciated.


73, Pete N4ZR

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